Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 5: Down 3.5 lbs in 5 days!

Day 5
Morning weight: 160.5 lbs
Today's Goal: 4+ bottles of water
This week's goal: lose 2 lbs
This month's goal: lose 10 lbs
Vitamins: yes
Breakfast: Smoothie (Spinach, OJ, honey greek yogurt, watermelon, 2 bananas, 1/2 apple)
Mid-morning snack: Plain green tea, 1 boiled egg
Lunch: Stroganoff, Sprite
Mid-afternoon snack: 1 boiled egg
Dinner: 2 chicken thighs, smoothie (honey greek yogurt, Spinach, OJ, blueberries, banana, watermelon)

I was really nauseous this morning, and had a problem right before breakfast (I threw up :( ). I still didn't feel 100% at lunch so I had a sprite, I  wouldn't have otherwise
# of bottles of water: IIII

Even though losing 3.5 lbs in 5 days is a HUGE deal, my biggest news of the week is that my physical therapist is putting me on the elliptical on Monday!!! I was in a car accident in December and, other than about 18 times in January/February, I haven't been able to run like I wanted to. My New Year's Resolution this year was to run a half-marathon and lose 30 lbs. Number 1 didn't happen (duh), but I'm going to try and be ready for one mid-spring. Number 2 is what I'm trying to do now.

Thanks for your support!

My dinner time smoothie was interesting to say the least

These are my ingredients (I added OJ later because it adds more flavor and nutrients than water).
The watermelon and banana are the only frozen things I added. Also, I've learned that adding spinach first with a liquid helps it blend best.

This is what it ended up looking like, even though it was a little browner in real-life. It tasted kind of like I remember the bubble gum fluoride toothpaste from the dentist's office. After a few big sips, the fluoride flavor went away. I didn't like the way it made my teeth feel, but I figure I'm going to brush them before bed.
Oh! and this is our WONDERFUL new blender!! The blender we used to have was the one they received as a wedding present almost TWENTY-NINE YEARS ago. My mom finally decided I was right in needing a new blender when it started smoking. Yeah, that's a problem.

Soon, I'll also be posting a list of things I want to try in my smoothies. I'll let you know how each thing goes and when I try it. Even if it isn't good, I'll drink all of it. Pinky swear.

Let me know if there is anything you want me to try! Disclaimer: the food has to be something you would also eat, and I reserve the right to say no (like meat, yeah not putting that in a smoothie)

***I am not doing this diet under doctor supervision and if you do it also, you do it at your own risk. Since you are only adding a smoothie to your diet it should be safe, but I claim no responsibilities. 

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